My Tiny Art Gallery: a Big Art Marketing Idea
It sits atop a post at the end of my driveway, showing my art to everyone who goes by. They stop and look, they examine what’s in the Gallery, they read the sign that tells them where to find me and my art in the next few months. They can even scan a QR code to connect to my website and sign up for my email list. They hear about Studio Tours and sales. They fall in love with my art, they get in touch and buy it.
If they are artists or creatives (of any age) too, they can leave one of their own works in the bottom gallery for a free art exchange. They often come by each day to see if their art is still there, or if it has been chosen and replaced with someone else’s art. They share their art in the Tiny Gallery on Instagram and Facebook. They make a point of stopping by regularly to see what’s new.
When someone asks me where I live, I say the place with the Tiny Art Gallery and I see instant recognition and pleasure in their eyes. “Yes! They say. I love that Gallery! It’s so fun to see it. I walk that way just to see what’s in it!”
My Tiny Art Gallery became a Big Marketing Idea. It’s an easy and fun way to engage the community in my art, tell them who I am and what I am doing, and it’s a fun landmark in the neighbourhood. I live in a touristy beach community whose population swells on weekends, especially in summer. The Gallery is memorable and enjoyed by so many who walk by or stop by to look. I have even sold four small pieces to people who have admired them in the Gallery.
What could be better?
It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s direct. It’s memorable. It puts you and your art on the map, locally and on social media. You have full control and can advertise your shows and venues, and connect with people who want to know more via your email.
I would LOVE to build a network of Tiny Art Galleries! I think it would be great if people could go on a Tiny Gallery tour like they do a studio tour- visit each little gallery and see what the artists are up to.
To help you along, I have created a set of plans with measurements and instructions to build your own Tiny Gallery. It requires a medium level of woodworking skills- you should be able to work a table saw and chop saw, and measure and drill pilot holes.
What if I don’t have the tools or the woodworking skills?
You can order a kit. I am taking pre-orders for fulfillment beginning mid-February 2024. That gives you lots of time to build and paint it before spring! Kits come pre-cut, with pilot holes drilled and ready to assemble with only a power drill or screwdriver and a few bits. The post and hardware to mount it are not included, but easy to obtain and install. Hardware, mounting post and paint are not included-too heavy to ship! You can add a hardware kit to your order if you don’t want to go to the hardware store.
Add ons are a hardware kit (hardware can be bought at any hardware store and not shipping it with the kit keeps shipping costs down) and a decal kit. The Hardware kits does NOT include the post or the post seat or spike for putting it in the ground. Again- far to heavy to ship when it is easy to get at a hardware store.
The decal kit comes in one or two colours, and includes large side decals, smaller door decals including your instagram handle and web address. Custom decals are available, but cost a bit more.
So what are you waiting for? Order your Tiny Art Gallery plans or kit! Fill it with joy and fun, be known as “the artist” in your neighbourhood and move your art sales forward!!
My Tiny Art Gallery in action
My Tiny Art Gallery has been in place for two years. I have made 4 sales directly from the gallery, and shown my art to countless passers-by and art enthusiasts. They get a chance to share their art in the bottom gallery, and my business cards disappear quickly! I have a poster below it with where to find my art and a QR code to connect to my website and email list. Whenever I say I live in the house with the Tiny Art Gallery, people light up with pleasure and say they know exactly where it is, and they LOVE my little Gallery.
I have not had any theft, vandalism or weather damage. It’s been nothing but interactive fun!